In progress
Star Trek Sim/ Star Trek RPG

The USS Eagle, NCC 2185

star trek engineering logo Security Department star trek medical logo


Security Report: Stardate 200112.16
Security Report: Stardate - Link coming soon.
Security Report: Stardate - Link coming soon


A Dark and Smokey Ship, Unstoffe's Log, Stardate 200110.21
The Doctor Dilemma, Unstoffe's Log, Stardate 200202.11
You Can't Be Sirius, Unstoffe's Log, Stardate 200207.22
The Smoking Phaser, Unstoffe's Log, Stardate 200112.16

Star Trek Sim Resources and Star Trek Sim Guides:

Star Trek Sim Guide: General Information, Terms, Lingo and Acronyms
Security dictionary - In the planning phase
Weapons commands right here on Tripod
Weapons commands on AOL
Real life technical links

Security Logs and Bios:

Chief Security Officer (CSEC): LCDR Unstoffe
Assistant Security Officer (ASEC): LT Richards
Assistant Security Officer (ASEC): Ensign Royan
Former Chief Security Officer (CSEC): CDR Bond

Cartoon Images:

Star Trek buddy icon of a hand phaser
Includes animated tricorder & communicator, hyposprays and other medical devices and equipment
Animated and static Klingon buddy icons, includes a disruptor firing
List of Klingon weapons

Cartoon Images on other websites(Please hit the back key to return to this page):

Animated hand firing a phaser
Animated ship's phasers firing-COMING SOON!
Torpedo Room
Torpedo and animated type II phaser firing

Star Trek Departments used in our Star Trek sim:

Engineering - Includes Oberth specs
Medical - Includes a drug dictionary
Science - Includes a list of planets
Security - You are here now
Communications - Includes communications console
Main listing of departments

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Hail the Captain of the USS Eagle

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